Friday, June 18, 2010

NO Original Ideas

So far I have yet to see ANY original ideas from this man! But this new ad that I JUST saw on TV takes the cake. I mean he THINKS that students come to us in Kindergarten reading!! Well, Zach, this is an UNREALISTIC expectation for Kindergarteners. And the ones who ARE ready to read when they come to us have been in PREK (which you are going to do AWAY with)! Zach, we've been benchmarking students in Kindergarten for AT LEAST the last 3 years in my county. AND in those 3 years we've given ALL struggling students EXTRA instruction in phonics....and comprehension....and fluency....and vocabulary...and phonemic awareness!!! We are ALREADY DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here's my questions for you, Zach, are you so out of touch with education in TN that you didn't already know this!?!?!?!?!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

How much is enough?

After I blogged last night (really this morning since my husband is making me stay up so late these days), I lay awake thinking about this whole blogging thing. I mean, why I type my thoughts and click "publish post," my thoughts become public...out there for EVERYONE to read. Let me back up and tell you that I am an extrovert. There was a point in my life that every thought I had came out of my mouth. However, in my old age, I've learned to moderate. Only about 60% comes out of my mouth from my husband's ears to hear. And then only about 40% of that falls upon the ears of others. I talk a LOT, but believe it or not, I have a TON more thoughts than actually come out. My brain is firing thoughts left and right all the time. But I don't want the world to know everything. Nor do I want people talking to me in PERSON about the things I blog. I absolutely HATE for someone to metion something I said in a Fb status to me in person. Just a pet peeve.

So how much is enough to blog? How much is too much? How transparent can I be giving that there are actually people who MIGHT read what I write? Just pondering these things still tonight.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Everyone has one. Why not me?

Kevin and I are getting ready for a presentation at the P-16 Summitt on Tuesday. The title of our session is something about social media (Kevin's passion.) At some point, I remember saying, "Um hmmmm." That was the answer to the question I now assume was "Honey, would you like to present WITH me at the P-16 Summitt?" Guess I getter work on my listening skills. Anyway, my task has been to come up with some examples of students using social media for academic purposes. I have been collecting student blogs, voicethreads, and other cool things the last few nigths. Tonight, I found the PERFECT YouTube video to go along with the presentation. Take a minute and watch it.

It left me thinking .....

This thinking led to the creation of this blog.