Sunday, June 13, 2010

How much is enough?

After I blogged last night (really this morning since my husband is making me stay up so late these days), I lay awake thinking about this whole blogging thing. I mean, why I type my thoughts and click "publish post," my thoughts become public...out there for EVERYONE to read. Let me back up and tell you that I am an extrovert. There was a point in my life that every thought I had came out of my mouth. However, in my old age, I've learned to moderate. Only about 60% comes out of my mouth from my husband's ears to hear. And then only about 40% of that falls upon the ears of others. I talk a LOT, but believe it or not, I have a TON more thoughts than actually come out. My brain is firing thoughts left and right all the time. But I don't want the world to know everything. Nor do I want people talking to me in PERSON about the things I blog. I absolutely HATE for someone to metion something I said in a Fb status to me in person. Just a pet peeve.

So how much is enough to blog? How much is too much? How transparent can I be giving that there are actually people who MIGHT read what I write? Just pondering these things still tonight.

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